
Welcome to PyARXaaS’s documentation!

PyARXaaS is a Python wrapper package for ARXaaS. It provides user-friendly abstractions for the APIs exposed ARXaaS. Github link

How it works

PyARXaaS is a simple pure Python client package that provides abstractions for interacting with a ARXaaS instance. The package supports analyzing re-identification risks and anonymizing tabular datasets containing sensitive personal data.


  • ARXaaS class for configuration and calling actions.
  • Dataset class for encapsulating and configuring a dataset
  • Privacy Model classes for configuring the Privacy Models to use in anonymization.
  • Easy integration with pandas DataFrames

Simple Use Case

Quick overview of how to get started using the package:

# import dependencies
from pyarxaas import ARXaaS
from pyarxaas.privacy_models import KAnonymity
from pyarxaas import AttributeType
from pyarxaas import Dataset
import pandas as pd

arxaas = ARXaaS(url) # url contains url to AaaS web service

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")

# create Dataset
dataset = Dataset.from_pandas(df)

# set attribute type
dataset.set_attributes(AttributeType.QUASIIDENTIFYING, 'name', 'gender')
dataset.set_attribute(AttributeType.IDENTIFYING, 'id')

# get the risk profle of the dataset
risk_profile = arxaas.risk_profile(dataset)

# get risk metrics
re_indentifiation_risk = risk_profile.re_identification_risk
distribution_of_risk = risk_profile.distribution_of_risk


PyARXaaS is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENCE


Indices and tables